In the late 21st century, humanity has managed to begin colonizing the cold, dead planet Mars. In the 22nd century, scientists have developed very advanced technology capable of terraforming planets like Mars. Over time, Mars became a green and blue planet filled with life and plants instead of the cold and red planet it used to be. You are Korben Laddas, a man who always dreamed of being a space explorer since he was a kid. You became a space warrior when an unknown extraterrestrial race threatened mankind on Mars.  They were Original Martians, intelligent life that lived in Mars billions of years ago. They were forced to evacuate their planet when solar winds slowly ripped away Mars' atmosphere and made the planet the cold desolate wasteland it used to be. But instead of coming to Mars in peace and coexisting with humans, the Martians decided to declare war on the humans. You were trained to fight the Martians but the Martians won't go down easily though.  

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